Eye Redness, itchy, watery eyes etc. are very common eye conditions now days which are caused due to frequent eye touching ,rubbing and of-course some times due to harsh weather conditions.
Various eye problems including watery eyes can be treated with ease using some of the awesome and simple hacks from the ingredients that are generally present in our kitchen always.
so come on guys let take a look at some of the simple yet effective remedies to cure various kinds of eye conditions with our kitchen elements easily.
1. Cold Milk
cold milk is one of the most famous and good remedies for the watery and itchy eyes.
All you need to do is soak the cotton in cold milk and apply it to your eyes and near the eyes area to get some soothing effect in minutes.
2. Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera has many kinds of soothing and anti itching properties that’s why it is very good in treating eye related problems .
take some aloe vera juice to wash your eyes to get rid of watery eyes, moreover you can take some aloe vera gel from the aloe vera leaf and mix it with honey and then apply to your eyes for getting some relief.
3. Cilantro Seeds Eye Wash
It is a good remedy for watery eyes , all you need to do is boiled some cilantro /coriander seeds with water and then wash your eyes with them to make them healthy as it is useful in many kinds of health problems.
try this to see the magic happen and let your eyes feel better within hours with this simple hack.

cucumber is one of the best and easiest treatment for watery and itchy eyes which is also helpful in inflammation, puffiness, swelling ,irritation etc .
All you need to do is cut the cucumber slices and wash them under cold water ,thereafter put the slices in refrigerator for 10 minutes and them put them on your eyes for 10 minutes .
repeat this process thrice daily to get good results in short time .
5. Tea Bags
take a tea bag and then put it into the refrigerator for 30 minutes ,when it cools down then just apply it to the eyes to get the relief from inflammation and itching very soon .
tea bags can of of black tea or ginger tea because they are good for eye as well as face skin heath ,so you can use them in case of various other eye problems like red eyes etc.
6. Raw Potatoes
Raw potato is one of the great vegetables for itchy and watery eyes due to their astringent properties. Raw potatoes can be helpful in the reducing eye redness and inflammation .
All you have to do is put the potato slices in the refrigerator for 30 minutes and then put them on your eyes for 10 minutes thrice daily to get the relief from watery eyes .
7. Vegetables Juices
vegetable juices such as of carrots ,spinach juice etc. can be very useful in treating various eye conditions and keeping your eyes healthy .
to get the good results in short time i recommend you to drink vegetables juice twice daily for 1 week ,as they will help your eyes to get back i shape without any itching or watery eyes conditions and also will make your eyes muscles healthy .
Besides trying all the above remedies ,i recommend you to to wash your eyes regularly with cold water and try to keep keep the clean and take adequate amount of sleep to keep your eyes healthy
I hope you liked the above given home remedies for watery eyes which will not only treat your itchy and watery nose like a charm but will also make your overall eye system more strong in long Run .
don’t forget to Visit 10 best foods for healthy skin ,healthy weight loss diet and this home remedies for runny nose
Share it with your friends to make them aware of home remedies for watery eyes to cure it quickly.

My name is Tushar, I am a fitness expert and product review enthusiast for over a decade who provides best and unbiased reviews for products available in the market on this website after doing hours of research on various topics and products including health and fitness. To read more about Tushar and this website mission head over to our About us page.